No.1293, 1286, 1287 or 1257 Tractor (page
We said that the Lone Star Roadmaster Tractor was a copy of the
American Tootsietoy Ford Tractor of 1956, however this date is
incorrect. There were in fact two post-war Tootsietoy tractors in
around 1:32 scale. The first was a model of the 1947 Ford 8N
tractor, introduced by Tootsietoy in 1951. It was later replaced
by a model of the 1953 Ford NAA Golden Jubilee tractor, and it is this
model that was copied by Lone Star. The Tootsietoy Ford 8N was
still shown in a 1957 leaflet, but the Ford NAA must have appeared in
1958 or 1959, because it was shown in the 1959 catalogue. We took
the date of 1956 from Wieland & Force, 1980, but that book does not
distinguish between the two Ford tractors, and the 1956 date seems to
be unreliable as it does not relate to the introduction or withdrawal
of either model.
are now able to illustrate the Lone Star tractor in its original yellow
and red blister pack, numbered 1293 (see photo (5) on page 336). Note the
absence of labels on this early model, and the silver steering wheel
rather than the later black.