Maylow (see Volume 2 page 575) Page numbers refer to Farming
in Miniature Volume 2; bold numbers in brackets refer to photos
in the Maylow chapter.
Click on a thumbnail to enlarge.
We are no closer to
locating any details of the company which produced this tractor and
implements in the late 1940s, probably up to 1951. It does remain
one of the mysteries in the British farm toy story.
Tractor (page 575)
Red tractor with metallic dark green hubs.
Tractor with space for a clockwork motor which was not fitted in this
case. Originally dark green with yellow hubs (model has been
stripped for repainting and the steering wheel is a reproduction). Tractor (page 575) and Hay Rake (page 576) Tractor
as (3) but green with yellow
hubs, with a hay rake as (14)
but with a green drawbar and also with yellow hubs. The steering
wheel is filled in with flash between the spokes, indicating a late
version of the model.